Privacy Policy
Events Organized by FPP

We take our responsibilities seriously and are committed to safeguarding the privacy of your data. This includes visitors to and users of our website(s) and student fairs and other events, and those in receipt of our email updates.

In this Privacy Policy (‘Policy’), you will find information on how and why we collect and use your personal information on all of our Portals and websites (collectively, the 'Website').

This Policy applies to any personal information that is gathered when you use our services, visit our Website, register and attend our events or otherwise interact with us. We have divided this Policy into different sections. Please go to the relevant section below for further information. The processing of your personal data complies with the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR').

The reading of this Privacy Policy does not exempt the user from reading the Terms and Conditions.

1. About FPP

FPP EDU MEDIA LLC established in the USA, 9550 S. Eastern Ave. Suite 253, Las Vegas, NV - 89123 - USA, and hereinafter referred to as “FPP,” acts as a processor of your personal data on behalf of the Organizer.

FPP is a media company that specializes in helping Educational Institutions from all levels, all over the world, meet students interested in studying abroad. We do this through the organization of student fairs - both in-person and online, Government events, Webinars, and informative websites that help students find opportunities to study abroad.

We are the owners of and all the websites above. In the rest of this document referred to as The Student World.

For more information visit:

2. Types of personal data we process

We may collect and process, on our own behalf, namely the following categories of personal information: Students: Name, email address and other identifying information (for example, we may record your name, email address, gender, date of birth, nationality, country of residence, study abroad interests, image and voice, if you participate in a recorded event and your interactions with exhibitors).

High Schools/Colleges/Counselors: Name of school, Name of Career Adviser/College Counsellor, email address.

Higher Education Institutes: Name of institution, name of staff member, email address, telephone number.

Information we collect when you use our Website

When you visit our Website, or use our services, we may register your IP address, browser type, operating system, referring website, web-browsing behavior.

Information we collect during the virtual events

When visiting our events we may collect, besides your account data above described, your event browsing activities and your interactions with exhibitors, including recording of your voice/image during audio video calls and the text you write on chat conversations.

FPP aims to find a harmonious balance between respecting your personal privacy and ensuring you derive maximum benefit from our offerings, all while adhering to GDPR regulations that safeguard your data. Exhibitor Badge Scanning

When you register as a visitor for FPP’s fairs, you’ll receive a badge equipped with a unique barcode/QR Code for entry. With your consent, this barcode can be scanned during the event to share your information with educational institutions and other entities. These third parties may retain your details for future contact, with FPP absolved of any responsibility regarding your data-sharing choices.

Exhibitors also have unique QR codes on their banners to share their information with students, and by accessing their QR codes, you agree to share your information with them.

If you prefer not to disclose your contact details to exhibitors, simply decline to have your badge scanned at the event and refrain from accessing their QR codes with your phone.

Media Release: Photography and Videography at FPP Events

By attending FPP events, you grant permission for FPP and/or exhibitors to utilize photographs or video footage capturing your presence. These visuals may be employed for promotional purposes, including but not limited to press releases, social media, printed materials, and websites. All images will be securely stored, with FPP also potentially sharing event photos with participating exhibitors for their promotional needs. In cases where you are the main subject of a photo, verbal consent will be sought prior to capture. If you wish to opt out of being photographed or want to manage images taken by FPP staff or representatives, please notify the photographer at the event and contact FPP directly at

Information in relation to social media

Depending on your social network settings, we may receive information from your social network provider. For example, when you sign in for our services using a social network account, we may gather publicly available information you give us access to from your social network profile; this may include your contact details, interests, and social network. For more information on the personal data that we receive from your social network provider, and how to change your privacy settings, please refer to the website and the privacy policy given by your social network provider.

The information you choose to share with us

You may also choose to share information with us. For example, you have opted to share personal information with us when you leave a comment for us on Facebook, fill out a survey, submit a contact or application form, leave a review or submit an entry for a contest or scholarship.

3. How do we collect your data?

When you visit with our website, express interest in or register for one of our events and/or services or otherwise interact with us, we collect the previously stated personal data.

4. For what purpose do we collect your data?

The main purpose is to provide you with specific information related to your interests focusing on the educational area. Also, to allow easier and direct contact between you and the educational institutions.

For example, with our The Student World platform, personal data is processed in a way that we can send you program recommendations we believe best match your profile, based on the country or field of study that you choose.

We will only process your personal data for a specific and legitimate purpose or purposes, determined at the time of data collection, and such data will not be further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes, unless for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research or statistical purposes.

To communicate with you

FPP processes contact details to communicate with you, answer your questions, or handle your complaints. This applies to both students and (potential) clients/customers/partners.

For direct marketing purposes

FPP processes personal information for (direct) marketing purposes. This means we may use your personal information to send you newsletters, promotions, or other marketing communications. We use the results of our analysis to tailor our marketing communications to your specific interests and preferences. For example, if our analysis shows that you may be interested in certain types of programs or a specific country, we may customize our newsletter and Website with content that is relevant to you. We may use different channels for our marketing communications, such as email, social media, and your personal online account.

FPP can process personal data for this purpose based on your consent.

You withdraw your consent for receiving marketing communications at any time, by following the instructions in the relevant marketing communication, or by sending an email to

The withdrawal of consent or exercise of your right to object does not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the moment of withdrawal or exercise of the right to object.

The processing of your personal data may be carried out based on the following legal bases, depending on the purpose:

I. For the performance of a contract or for pre-contractual steps at the request of the data subject
II. For compliance with legal obligations to which we are subject
III. To pursue our or a third party’s legitimate interests
IV. With your consent.

5. Retention of data

We keep your data as long as it is necessary to provide the service proposed by the project and for legitimate and essential business purposes such as to keep you informed of opportunities related to your interests, make business decisions about features and data-based offers, comply with our legal obligations, and resolve disputes. We retain your personal data for 10 years after your last interaction with the platform or FPP. You can delete your account at any time in your account settings. The deletion process may take up to 72 hours.

There may be legal requirements that oblige us to store data for a minimum period of time, which we will respect. In case there is no legal retention period, the data will be retained only for the minimum period necessary for the defined purposes, after which it will be destroyed or anonymized.

6. Security in the maintenance of personal data

We constantly implement and monitor our security system to protect the personal data of our users. We implement technical measures such as the implementation of security services that allow the encryption of data between the user's computer and our systems to help protect data security, but it is very important to understand that security involves both sides and that no system is completely secure. We suggest that after using the system/services provided by the site, you always log out to ensure that there is no third-party access to your information.

7. Minors’ Data

The service we provide is not intended for children under the age of 13. However, in some countries, age limits may apply according to local legislation.

We do not deliberately collect personal data from children under the age of 13 or below the applicable age limit. If you are under the age limit, you should not use our services or provide us with any personal data.

If you are a parent of a child below the age limit and become aware that the child has somehow provided personal data, you should contact us at and you may request to have sight of the information in our system. If we become aware of any personal data collected from a child under the age of 13, we will take reasonable steps to delete the personal data in question. You may also need to log into the system and delete the account for that child.

As for children between the age of 14 and under 16, FPP will request parental consent for registration. Legal representatives of minors may exercise the rights of the minor as a data subject by written request to

8. Cookies and similar technologies

Our website uses cookies. To know more about cookies and how we use them in our website, please read our Cookie Policy, available at

9. Disclosing or sharing data with third parties

From the moment you register and/or participate in this event, you are authorizing the sharing of your information with the attending institutions/exhibitors and organizers of the event (Physical or Virtual).

Your data will be shared with:

In the context of your registration, you may be contacted by the institutions/exhibitors that your data will be shared with, either by email, phone, SMS, WhatsApp, mail, or any other form, either physical or electronic.

Each of these institutions/exhibitors is a data controller regarding the processing of your personal data, and they will enforce their own privacy policy. You may exercise your rights as a data subject by contacting each one of them individually.

Furthermore, in the context of our business, we may use data processors to process your data on our behalf, which implies that they have access to your data. When we do so, we contractually take appropriate measures to ensure that such third-party processors provide sufficient and adequate guarantees to adopt technical and organizational measures and that they will only act in accordance with our instructions.

We namely use processors to provide the following services in particular: hosting services, marketing, and other technology providers.

10. Other institutions or businesses

You can contact education institutes through our website by submitting an electronic form. The details in your enquiry will then be shared with the institution you are trying to contact.

To verify the status of your application or enrollment, evaluate and manage the performance of our business agreements, or initiate new agreements, we may share personally identifiable information (such as name, nationality, and email address) with carefully selected education institutions. Some of these institutions may also have access to your information for further marketing campaigns or recruitment measures. We will inform the educational institutions explicitly that they are not allowed to use your personal information for any reason other than mentioned above and should not share your data. However, users should note that how these educational institutions use this data is not governed by our privacy policy, therefore, we cannot be held responsible for how the data is utilized once it is shared with them. Educational institutions have separate policy and practices relating to data privacy, for which FPP has no responsibility or liability. For further information on how such institutions use your information, please visit the applicable privacy policy of that institution.

11. Third party websites

This Policy does not apply to third-party websites. By clicking on any links on our websites that take you to a third-party website, you are exiting our website and are no longer governed by our data privacy policy. You use these websites at your own risk. FPP cannot accept liability for how these third-party websites use your personal data. For more information on how these third parties treat your personal information, we strongly urge you to check their respective privacy policies.

12. Other countries

In sharing your information with education institutions, your personal data contained within your The Student World profile may transfer to countries outside of your country of residence. As stated earlier in this Policy, we will always have explicit agreements with how the data shared with these institutions can and cannot be used. In most cases, these agreements will be in the form of a written and signed Data Processing Agreement. However, you should be aware that some of these countries may not have an adequate level of personal data protection compared to the level of protection provided in your own country.

In the cases where we have to communicate personal data to third countries or international organizations, we will strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions and submit the transfers to the appropriate mechanisms, depending on the level of protection of personal data guaranteed by the third country or international organization concerned.

In the event of transfer, FPP undertakes to promote the implementation and compliance with the GDPR, including the necessary safeguards that ensure an adequate level of protection, assuring the data subjects of their rights as well as effective legal remedies, including the right to judicial or administrative redress.

In the cases where we have to communicate personal data to third countries or international organizations, we will strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions and submit the transfers to the appropriate mechanisms, depending on the level of protection of personal data guaranteed by the third country or international organization concerned.

In the event of transfer, FPP undertakes to promote the implementation and compliance with the GDPR, including the necessary safeguards that ensure an adequate level of protection, assuring the data subjects of their rights as well as effective legal remedies, including the right to judicial or administrative redress.

13. Your Rights and Preferences

In order to comply with the European Union legislation (GDPR), we have implemented greater transparency in the control, maintenance, and portability of information. From now on, the user has the possibility, of exercising the following rights, when applicable:

1. The right of access

You have the right of access to request from us, among other, information regarding whether or not your data is being processed, what data we process and for what purposes. You may also request a copy of your personal data processed by us. Further copies may be subject to payment of a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs.

2. The right to rectification

You have the right to change personal data provided whenever they are incorrect or incomplete.

3. The Right to erasure

You have the right to request the closure of your account and the exclusion of all your personal data where any of the reasons set out in the GDPR apply.

4. The Right to portability of data

You have the right to request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit such personal data for use in third-party services.

5. The right to object

You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to certain types of data processing determined in the GDPR, such as processing for the purposes of direct marketing, in which case we shall cease processing for that purpose.

6. The right to restriction of processing

You have the right to obtain the restriction of the processing of your personal data where you wish, for example, to contest the accuracy of your personal data for a period of time that enables us to verify its accuracy, where the processing is unlawful or where you have exercised your right to object.

7. The right to complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

You may set your preferences regarding the receipt of information sent by the site, by managing your preferences in your account.

To exercise your right(s), please send your written request to:

Within 30 (thirty) days you will receive a duly substantiated communication from us.

13. Changes to the privacy policy

When we make changes to the Privacy Policy, we will ensure to communicate this to all our users and contacts. This may be via an email or via a pop up on our website at the time of log-in.

It is of fundamental importance that you carefully read any updates in the Privacy Policy; by continuing to use our service, you will be agreeing with the updates.

Questions or complaints

If you have any questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data, please send an email to us at

This Policy was last updated on March 1, 2023.